Gender Mainstreaming European Transport Research and Policy. Building the Knowledge Base and Mapping Good Practices
TRANSGEN was a Special Support Action intended to work up the knowledge base for future research and interventions in the European Seventh Framework Programme by linking gender mainstreaming and the thematic area of transport. The aim was to develop gender mainstreaming in the field of transport as a research strategic and political approach and make it more sustainable and complying with overall EU aims of promoting equality between men and women in all its activities.
The project was funded by European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme.

Best practices
The Transgen project compiled a list of European projects in the transport sector that included a gender perspective. A list of programmes is here available. For further descriptions of the different programmes, see chapter 5 in the Transgen report.
Gender aware policy and planning
Transport for London:
The Irish Department of Justice, Equality & Law Reform: The Irish National Development Plan – The Gender Equality Unit
For further information see: Gender Equality and Transport. Fact sheet for the Economic and Social Infrastructure Operational Programme of the National Development Plan, 2000-2006. The University of Strathclyde, August 2001.
The Swedish Road Administration: An Equal Transport system.
More specific about Sweden’s programmes on gender equality and the transport system see:
- Jämställdhet i vägtransportsystemet - Jämställd vägplanering. Publikations nr.: 2003:51. Vägverket, Borlänge.
- Res Jämt - Tankar kring ett jämställt transportsystem. Publikations nr.: 2005:110. Vägverket, Borlänge.
The Muncipality of Freiburg: Light-rail extension Zähringen.
The Municipality of Munich: The Transport Development Plan.
The above projects about policy and planning are described in the Transgen report. A few more projects which have a minor part concerning gender mainstreaming of transport are briefly described below.
The University of Modena: Initiatives on gender budgeting and transport. For information contact: Universitá degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Economia Politica, 51 Viale Berengario, 4110 Modena.
The Muncipality of Venice: Child- and women-friendly policies for public spaces. See more here
The Muncipality of Vienna: The Transport Master Plan 2003 on gendered travel patterns and environment friendly forms of transport. See report: Transport Master Plan Vienna 2003. Produced by the staff of the Vienna City Administration, Muncipal Department 18, 2003. or contact:
Gender aware employment policies
The Fuirich Transport Development Partnership: Women into Transport.
Volvo – The SNS project.
The above projects about employment policies are described in the Transgen report. Another project which have a minor part concerning gender mainstreaming of transport are briefly described below. The Muncipality of Reggio di Calabria: Training programmes for women with an aim to ensure them a job in the city’s transport system.
Gender aware technology innovation
Volvo – Your Concept Car.
If you consider carrying out gender mainstreaming this section gives you some resources to begin this proces. The bibliography provides you with an up to date list of publications in a wide range of topics relating to the area. The list of experts suggests some of the european researchers who have worked in this area. The gender screening section is the gender screening that the Transgen project carried out, covering sections of the European transport sector.
Publications about the report: (in Danish)
Anette Dina Sørensen: "Køn i Trafikken" in Nikk's Nyhedsside, d. 18.1. 2008.
Anette Dina Sørensen: "Fars bil og mors metro", in Webmagasinet forum for køn og kultur, Kvinfo, d. 18.1. 2008.
As part of the Transgen project we carried out a literature search on gender and transport in relevant databases, and we are including a full list of references here. The list also contains the theoretical references that we use in the report. The bibliography can also be found on our webside. We have subdivided the bibliography into relevant themes relating to the sections of the report. The themes are:
- Gender and gender equality
- Gender mainstreaming the transport sector
- Travel patterns
- Gendered meanings, identities and everyday lives
- Gender and transport technologies
- Imaginations: popular culture, art and aesthetics
- Fear and safety in public space
- Transport and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT’s)
- Traffic behaviour and valuation of infrastructure
- Sustainability
- Driving, risk and safety
- Employment
- Statistical ressources
- Gender mainstreaming plans and transport plans
- Internet links
Alena Krizova, Ph.D., The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Anu K. Siren, Researcher, Danish Transport Research Institute
Claudia Nobis, Researcher, Institute of Transport Research in Germany
Francis Hodgson, Senior Research Fellow, Leeds University
Helene Oldrup, Researcher, University of Copenhagen
Helle Poulsen, Researcher, Danish Polar Center
Hilda Rømer Christensen, Coordinator, Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Jane Summerton, Professor, Linköping University
Jeff Turner, Senior Research Fellow, University of East London
Karel Martens, Professor, Dr., Radboud University Nijmegen
Margaret Grieco, Professor, Dr., Napier University
Marina Fracchia, Dr. Ing., Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per i Trasporti
Meike Spitzer, Researcher, Wuppertal Institute for Climate Environment Energy
Merritt Polk, Researcher, Göteborg University
Mette Møller, Dr., Researcher, Danish Transport Research Institute
Michala Hvidt Breengaard, stud.scient.soc. University of Copenhagen
Petter Næss, Professor, Dr.; Aalborg University
Randi Johanne Hjorthol, Chief Research Sociologist, Institute of Transport Economics
Sirkku Laapotti, Researcher, University of Turku
Tanu Priya Uteng, Research Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Gender screening
Download chapter 4 from the report: Gender Mainstreaming European Transport Research and Policy. Building the Knowledge Base and Mapping Good Practices
Advisory Board
Dr., Ing. Marina Fracchia Researcher Nitel - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per i Trasporti e la Logistica Genova Italy
Professor, Dr. Margaret Grieco School of Health and Social Sciences, Napier University Edinburgh United Kingdom
Professor, Dr. Petter Næss Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University Aalborg Denmark
Dr. Philos. Randi Johanne Hjorthol Chief Research Sociologist. Institute of Transport Economics Oslo Norway
Dr. Mette Møller Researcher Danish Transport Research Institute Kgs. Lyngby Denmark
Dr. Helene Oldrup Researcher Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark