Nyt nummer af KKF: Queer Death studies
"In this special issue we aim to rethink death, dying and mourning through theoretical and methodological modes of queering.
The emerging field of Queer Death Studies (QDS), which the present special issue contributes to fostering, tries to overcome the problems of traditional Death Studies by addressing issues of death, dying, mourning and afterlife in a queering, relentlessly normcritical mode, questioning ontologies, epistemologies and ethics, as well as bio- and necropolitical agendas, while affirmatively looking for alternatives.
Queer Death Studies draws critical attention to discourses on death and mourning associated, for example, with heteronormative models of familybonds; with chrononormative modes of life; with norms for intergenerational relations; with ‘proper’ responses to biopolitical regimes of health- and life-normativity; with normative demands to consider life-threatening diseases from the perspective of a heroic battle against an ‘enemy’ rather than trying to engage with the life/death thresholds in less rigid and more (self-)caring and -loving ways.
Along these lines Queer Death Studies also focuses on contemporary forms of necropolitics, i.e. mechanisms of power that force certain bodies into liminal spaces between life and death (as in the case of refugees whose lives in detention camps across Europe are turned into the state of ‘social death’ (Mirzoeff 2019))."