11. januar 2022

Nyt Kvinder, Køn & Forskning: Unconscious bias in organizations

Edited by:
Maria Clar, Research and Teaching Associate, WU Vienna, Institute for Gender and Diversity in Organizations
Sara Louise Muhr, Professor (mso), Copenhagen Business School, Department of Organization
Lea Katharina Reiss, Research and Teaching Associate, WU Vienna, Interdisciplinary Institute for Management and Organizational Behavior
Kai Storm, Assistant Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Operations Management

This special issue revolves around the topic of unconscious bias in organizations. The six articles included draw on diverse disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological approaches to show how unconscious bias play out in organizational settings and how they lead to various forms of discrimination.

The articles contribute to the current bias literature by (1) elevating the idea of bias from individualist perspectives toward more contextual considerations, (2) drawing on multiple perspectives from different research fields and thereby creating a more interdisciplinary understanding, (3) considering unconscious and discriminatory gender bias in intersection with other markers of social inequality, and (4) by reframing current understandings of bias in organizations toward a more actionable and change-oriented perspective. To conclude, the special issue illustrates novel approaches to and discussions on the matter of investigating bias at the root of discrimination in organizations.

The full issue is open-access and available here