1. juni 2018

CfP til Kvinder, køn og forskning: Queer Death Studies

Queer Death Studies as transdisciplinary

Queer Death Studies (QDS) refers to an emerging transdisciplinary field of research that critically and (self) reflexively investigates and challenges conventional normativities, assumptions, expectations, and regimes of truths that are brought to life and made evident by death, dying, and mourning.

Queering death studies

QDS is ‘queering’ traditional ways of approaching death both as a subject of study and philosophical reflection, and as a phenomenon to articulate in artistic work or practices of mourning. Here, the notion of ‘queer’ conveys many meanings. It refers to researching and narrating death, dying, and mourning in the context of queer bonds and communities, where the subjects involved/studied/interviewed and the relations they are involved in are recognised as ‘queer’.

The topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Queer methodologies of researching death, dying and mourning
  • Queer practices of mourning and bereavement
  • Materiality of death and corpses
  • Death/life ecologies
  • Necropolitics and borders
  • Un/grievable lives and deaths
  • Death and biotechnology/biomedicine
  • Queering cancer and other life-threatening diseases
  • Suicide
  • Technologies of life/death
  • Queer widowhood
  • Decolonialising death
  • Illness narratives and death
  • Ethico-politics and practices of killability
  • Nonhuman death and dying
  • Extinction and annihilation
  • Death and acts of resistance
  • ‘Slow death’
  • Queering temporalities of death
  • Queer spiritualities


Marietta Radomska, postdoc, Linköping University, Sweden
Tara Mehrabi, postdoc, University of Turku, Finland
Nina Lykke, professor emerita, Linköping University, Sweden


Deadline for abstracts (max 300-word + up to 100 word author bio): June 25, 2018
Deadline for articles: December 1, 2018